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About Us

Chabad of
Southern Nevada

Chabad of Southern Nevada is a major outpost of the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch organization which promotes Jewish education and outreach all across the globe. Established in 1990 in Rabbi Shea & Dina Harlig’s living room, Chabad of Southern Nevada has since emerged as a dynamic force for Jewish life – with nine thriving centers and 20 Rabbis and Rebbetzins spanning the greater Las Vegas Valley.

Our philosophy remains surprisingly simple: Love every Jew, Accept every Jew, Educate every Jew, Reach out to help every Jew…unconditionally. We open our hearts, our center and all our amazing and unique programs to all, regardless of education and background.


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Weekly Thought

ֵלֶּה שְׁמוֹת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל הַבָּאִים מִצְרָיְמָה וגו': (שמות א:א)
These are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt. Exodus 1:1
The Jews’ physical exile was their forced slavery; their spiritual exile was their psychological enslavement to their host’s culture. Although many Jews assimilated because of their exile, others struggled to retain their Jewish identity, refusing to give up their Jewish names and language because of their faith in their destiny.

It was only after revealing their inner identity in response to the challenge of exile that the Jewish people could receive the Torah. The purpose of the Torah is to teach us how to bring Divine consciousness into the most mundane aspects of life, even those that initially oppose G‑dliness. In exile, the Jewish people learned how to overcome even these forces.

The same applies to our present exile: holding on tenaciously to our traditions – even those that appear to be unimportant – will hasten our redemption. The challenges that we overcome purify and prepare us for the exalted Divine revelations that will accompany the imminent, final Redemption.

- One Plus One

Shabbos Times

Chabad of Southern Nevada

Light Shabbos Candles:
4:34 PM
- Friday, January 17
Shabbos Ends:
5:34 PM
- Saturday, January 18
Candle Lighting Times

Weekly Torah Portion
